
i love you, uki

Drums, glockenspiel, flutes, guitars, child piano's, violins and ukulele's. Music is cling-clanging through the streets. Making music on the streets is one of the greatest idea of preforming music. I went to Amsterdam this weekend with my lovely friend Pieter. We took my ukulele with us to Amsterdam and played on my ukulele on the streets. The reactions from people were really funny haha. Can't wait for the summer! Playing on the streets till sunset.

inspiration inspiration


  1. " Playing on the streets till sunset." - weet je hoe geweldig dat klinkt! Echt zo leuk dat jullie dat doen..

    En een 'wauw' voor de foto.
    leukheid, leukheid, leukheid.

  2. that looks like fun.
    i love it when there is people play music on the streets it makes the atmosphere so much nicer

  3. Dat idee van muziek op straat vind ik briljant. Laatst zag ik een hele band op straat, ook gaaf.

  4. i want to play the ukulele!
    wanna exchange links?


  5. haha i'm the one with the uki on the bench!
